Monday, November 14, 2011

Telling vs. Coaching

In the article, "Looking inside classrooms: Refelcting on the "how" as well as the "what" in effective reading instruction" by Taylor, Peterson, Pearson, and Rodriguez, I found it very interesting that they found that "telling" children things in excess amounts does not seem to be nearly as effective as "coaching" children.  In coaching, the children are more responsible for coming up with their own responses and gives them the opportunity to use their own skills and strategies.  Although teaching would be impossible without telling some things, it's good to limit this because children become disengaged. 

Here is a helpful website with a list of skills young readers should develop and ways teachers can help improve these skills in the classroom!

1 comment:

  1. Telling children information is definitely not the way to go about teaching them. You are right is saying that some things will be told, but we must break away from just telling loads of information, to helping the children really understand and let them think for themselves.
