Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reading Comprehension is a Ball!

In this week's Cunningham and Allington's reading, the subject of reading comprehension was discussed.  They gave many great ideas for activities to enhance comprehension, such as think alouds, graphic organizers, and literate conversations.  My personal favorite was the activity where the children read a story and then threw a beach ball with questions written on it around the circle.  I especially liked how the children could pick any question they wanted and that some of them were as simple as, "What was your favorite part of the story?"  I think it's a great way to get the children talking and engaged 100% because they don't know if they're next in line and they have to listen to what their friends before them said!  I'm curious as to what other fun activities are out there that can help our children's comprehension.

Here is a link to a Halloween themed reading comprehension computer game!  Although this is good for spare time at home, I want to find more activities to do in the actual classroom.  Any suggestions?


  1. I loved this idea! I think it's definitely an activity I will use in the classroom. I think it's very engaging for young children and a fun way to get everyone talking about the story!

  2. Wow, that's such a good idea! I have used the beach ball activity as a "get to know you" game at camps with questions such as "What is your favorite movie?" I think the activity would be very engaging and will keep the children interested throughout the reading process!

  3. I really enjoyed this activity as well. I can use this in my class and has given me other great ideas to help students with comprehension. I also really like your background for your blog. haha
